
Hello everyone and welcome to my new website: www.robjacobsart.com created in May 2015. Thank you for visiting it.

Included are nine series of art –

The Surfing Series
Dreams Above the River
Angels of Protection
Art of Poetry
The NuWest
The Lakota Spirits
The Western Haikus
The West Series
Taps is Played for the World

My intent, with all the art I’ve done over many years, is to put statements out into the world that are fresh, unique and have some kind of positive spiritual impact, much in the same way a haiku poem accomplishes. A haiku does not describe feelings – “I was sad,” “he was happy,” etc., but is descriptive of something tangible and direct, lets the reader have the feelings, and it is all done with very few words. Having the opportunity to study this genre over many years, and lately doing some teaching of it, I present a new haiku for this new website:

Nine series of art

A little paint, a few words

And the falling rain

As to my images, please click to enlarge and get more pertinent information. I look forward to hearing from you with any comments, input, criticism, thoughts, ideas and questions you may have for me. I would like to get to know you.

Most of my images exist, not only as original art, but also in different formats – prints, cards, also some jewelry (Angel and Surfing series).

As to purchasing any of my art, please contact me. I am also open to commissions.

I am so grateful for being able to do the work I love. Also, for my wonderful path of meditation, my friends, relatives, my sons, and for being able to live in the city I love and grew up in, Los Angeles.

Blessings and love to all of you and the world,
