Taps is Played for the World


Taps is Played for the World, dyes, acrylic and gouache paints, collage, gels on mounted photographic paper, frame, 51-1/2” x 51-1/2,” 2010

Taps is Played for the World is the culmination of much of the art that I have been doing since 1990. It consists of one piece of art. The impetus that inspired this piece was first, the realization that an innocent child could be born and in later life spend years killing other human beings. Secondarily was the conviction that I would not go anywhere in this world to slaughter others because someone told me to do so, even though I served this country in the military from 1960-64 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the assassination of President Kennedy. Taps is Played for the World is not a pretty piece, but then again, war is not pretty.

Many believe there are presently over one hundred wars going on in our world.  And let us remember this truth: religions do not start wars – people do.  Taps is Played for the World is my statement against all wars everywhere. More importantly, it is my statement for peace in the universe.

The song, Taps is in honor of those who have fallen and a positive statement that we can always rise up. In some way, it asks whether the qualities of love, peace, joy and rational thinking might prevail.  Consisting of one major chord, it has reported to have brought more tears to people than any other piece in the history of our country. Can you hear the bugle in the distance?

Day is done, gone the sun,
From the hills, from the lake,
From the sky.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.